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Police Calls: G.I. Joe lookalike part of park photo shoot

May 16, 2024

The police calls section is presented for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.

Aug. 8

A fanny pack and a backpack were found at a location on Depot Street. One had a bag of cell phones and a significant amount of cash inside.

A dog was in danger of heat stroke while in a cage in the back of a white Mazda with its windows up, a caller reported.

An iPhone found on the roadway on Spokane Avenue was returned to the owner.

Aug 9

A white Bronco and a green Outback experienced a non-injury motor vehicle accident on 13th Street.

One afternoon on Third Street, bicyclists were riding down the middle of the road or on the wrong side of the road with no lights and no light-colored clothing.

The caller said a scruffy, tall, blond-haired young man on a bicycle trip rode by and hit his vehicle with his hand. There was no damage done to the vehicle.

Fifty to 60 high schoolers gathered to be spectators of a fight. The two males fighting said they were friends who wanted to fight for fun. They were advised against fighting outside a controlled atmosphere.

A barking dog on Fifth Street was considered an ongoing problem by the caller.

A couple of vehicles were parked at the end of Cottonwood Court. The caller said they were blocking the fire hydrant and people might be sleeping in the vehicles. It was unclear how long they had been there.

Aug. 10

A vehicle ran a stop sign on Colorado Avenue and nearly hit the caller’s daughter.

The manager of a business on Spokane Avenue would like the old motor home in the parking lot to be moved along.

Aug. 11

Law enforcement conducted an active shooting training at the middle school.

Concerns were voiced over speeding cars on Lion Mountain Road.

Someone accidentally dialed 911 when their phone was in the cup holder.

There is a problem with a neighbor allowing her cats to wander on Wedgewood Lane.

E-bikes on the bike path go too fast and nearly hit the caller and her friends’ dogs.

A man was walking in traffic and hitting vehicles with his hand. He was counseled.

Someone found a Harley Davidson cross-body bag and turned it into a business owner on Central Avenue.

A citizen found a stray dog and let him hang out in her yard overnight.

There was an older male allegedly following people around in the parking garage.


Ten parking warnings were issued to vehicles parked where boat trailers should park.

A 4-foot diameter tree was blocking the northbound lane of Lakeshore Drive.

A disorderly male threw a bottle of water at someone’s vehicle.

A caller said he saw a drunken male who was slurring his words, being loud and staggering into a store but the male could not be found when sought.

A motor home that was parked in the middle of the road on Wisconsin Avenue was moving along.

A man dressed like G.I. Joe appeared to be shooting arrows with a compound bow in the park. It turned out he was having a photo shoot and not shooting arrows.

A black Chevy was seen on Baker Avenue swerving and stopping at green lights.

The caller wanted the people on Columbia Avenue who were chanting, yelling and sounding like a party to keep it down.

The owner of a yellow Labrador found her lost dog.





Aug. 8Aug 9Aug. 10Aug. 11Aug.12